My God is Perfect and Unchanging
My God is perfect and unchanging. Like fire he is rampant and consuming. He is wonderful. But not wonderful in the boiled down, modern day use for the word. Wonderful like a mountain scape. Personable enough to be describable but so vast and mysterious that it’s impossible to fully capture Him in words. He is true. Kind seems too juvenile a word to use. His kindness isn’t like human kindness that wavers with changing emotions. He is unwavering. Constant. Listen to the river flowing, the current that pulls against human strength, yet is calming and capturing. You see my God in this. His creation is a reflection of His own nature, He is intentional and an intricate Designer. Look at the stars and the way they shine. Some glisten in deaths that the human eye can’t see yet. The stars that fall and form pictures and almost seem connected by shading in between their large clusters. The stars that can only be seen in the darkness of the countryside. My God designed them. They remind me of Him. Far from reach yet accessible, and easiest to see when there is nothing to pollute my view of His presence. My God. Perfect and unchanging. And yet He makes Himself known to me.